Fall 2020-21: Introduction to Digital Image Processing, 361-1-4751
Lecturer: Tammy Riklin Raviv
Teaching Assistants: Tal Ben-Haim and Ron Sofer
Time Wednesday, 10:00-13:00
Location Virtual, via zoom
Tentative schedule and presentations
October 21, 2020 Course
overview, What is an Image? A bit on Information Theory
October 28, 2020 Pointwise
Operations, Histogram Processing, Spatial Filters
November 4, 2020 Pyramids, Diffusion, Color,
November 11, 2020 Frequency Domain
November 18, 2020 DCT and Wavelets
November 25, 2020 Wavelets and Edge detection
December 2, 2020 Edges, Hough transform
December 9, 2020 Hough (cont), Feature descriptors
December 16, 2020 Descriptors (SIFT)
December 23, 2020 Planar Geometric Transformations
December 30, 2020 Supervised Machine Learning
January 6, 2021 Unsupervised Machine Learning, Segmentation
January 13, 2021 Introduction to Deep Learning
February 24, 2021 Image Processing Projects Presentation Day
Some useful links
Vision: Algorithms and Applications, Richard Szeliski book
Computer Vision
Some more to come
And the winners are...
2020 Bonus Assignments Winners
First bonus assignment
winners: Eiffel Tower
Orel Ben-Zaken and Eden Nisanov
runners up (2nd): Mountains
Yonatan Dadon & Cameron Solomon
Second bonus assignment
winners: Tree and Lake
Aviran Gal and Yakov Medvedovsky
runners up (2nd): License Plate
Guy Nakash and Omer Har Zahav
Third bonus assignment (Ex4)
winners: Some shapes
Itay Biton, Shahaf Yarden and Tomer Partouche
runners up (2nd): Beehive
Itay Fadida and Amir Engel
Second mini-assignment - Image blending with Gaussian and Laplacian Pyramids
winners: Pyramids at Sunset
May Indaporker
runners up (2nd): BGU at the beach
Shay Kushmirak
Third mini-assignment - Image blending with Fourier Transform
winner: Ghost in the room
Bar Rubinstein
runners up (2nd): Ghost on Fire
Ofir Tanami
runners up (3nd): Cat in the Wall
Naor Cohen
Fourth mini-assignment (Ex4) - Geometric transformations
winner I: Rotating Horse
May Indaporker
winner II: Broken Pencil
Bar Rubinstein
Fall 2017 projects and more
AirDrums Hirsch Roy, Chayoot Ori, Manor Asaf and Lifshitz Gal
Supertrack: Supermarket Shelf Management Platform Daniel Pirak, Natali Daphna, Ido Friedler and Udi Cohen
PizzaPlanner Yarden Ravid, Itamar David and Yonatan Kaz Cohen
Real Time Virtual Shooting Harel Gazit, Or Shwartzman, Amir shrrafi and Shir Cohen
Spring 2017 projects
Trivia Eran Notkin and Adam Kaminer
Basketball Ori Lifshitz, Nitzan Eizman and Roi Eilam
BlackJack Yaniv Benny and Itamar Yaacobi
Dartboard Ori Arman and Amir Yavnin
Audio effect controller Shauli Shmilovitch and Guy Weigman
ICMath Yair Yacobi and Guy Segal
Set Gil Frenkel and Amit Gafni
Sleepy Driver Alert Noam Mann and Gal Rattner
Rock, Paper and Scissors Gleb Vaserman and Moshe AbuHatzera
The Virtual Marker Lior Dadon and Dor Haim Shmuel
Sudoku Solver Ron Shoam and Ziv Aharoni
Face Recognition - Lecturer Yotam Keshet and Omer Sholav
Three Cups & Ball Nir Bashari and Kuzminsky Maxim
Texas Holdem Poker Tracker Nave Algarici and Andrey Gurevich
Clothes Matching Nitzan Tavor and Nati Yitzhak
Pool Game Nir Raviv and Ofer Shahen-Tov
Simon Says Sivan Grotas and Shani Ben-Baruch
Face recognition -Politician Tomer Cohen and Omer Cohen